As a former All-Greater Rochester football team selection at Rush-Henrietta and a four-year starter at the University of Albany, David Parks knows what it takes to excel competitively. He also knows what it means to lead others to Christ by using the platform of sports. Formerly, the offensive coordinator for the St. John Fisher Cardinals, in 2011 Parks joined FCA staff as Upstate New York Director where he advances the mission of FCA through recruitment, hiring and training of staff members in communities where FCA is just starting to make an imprint.
“It has been incredible to see God raising up coaches, staff members, and community leaders to help reach more people for Christ through sport. Growing up in Rochester without a ministry like FCA has inspired me to continue to provide this incredible resource for young athletes and coaches here. My passion is to spend time with coaches and help them recognize their influence and grow spiritually, but I also recognize the need to mobilize a community and have staff members and community leaders who support these coaches in making a difference for Christ,” Parks said.
Parks is an active member of Browncroft Community Church, where he has served in family and connection team ministries. He enjoys meeting people when they first discover that God has a bigger plan for their lives, and being used by the Lord to ask questions and listen, and be an encouragement for those people to go deeper and find out what He might have for them.
Parks resides in Penfield, NY with his wife Kate and their two young children. He enjoys sharing meals with friends and family, time on the golf course and travelling.
“Mankind, He has told you what is good and what it is the LORD requires of you: to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8 (HCSB)