Area Representative, Mid-Coast Maine
Sports writer Mark Jones couldn’t help noticing the small but growing presence of FCA in his home state of Maine. After investigating FCA online, he started making calls to see how he could get involved. The result was a position as Area Representative for the Mid-Coast area of Maine.
The role fell in line with what Jones had been sensing to be a call to sports ministry. After deciding to follow Christ at age 23, he spent years cultivating a desire to impact the world for Christ. In FCA he saw an opportunity to make that difference in the lives of athletes and coaches.
“When I was introduced to FCA, I saw the potential for seeing Christ impact my own community,” Jones said. “Sports creates a platform for God’s love to spread, and I have a strong desire to be a part of it. I can see Christ when I see Christian athletes use their platform to speak of their faith. It shows that He is still at work around us.”