David Parks joined the FCA staff in 2011 as the Upstate New York Director. In addition to continuing in that position, Dave has also accepted the opportunity to become the Donor Board Advancement Coordinator for the Northeast Region. This position will benefit the staff throughout our region by providing them with excellent resources and training in how to cultivate deep relationships that help local board members and donors connect their passions with the ministry in their area. “I am thankful to be in the role of Donor Board Advancement Coordinator of the Northeast Region and am excited to serve the leadership and staff members of our region. I look forward to seeing how God develops the already strong relationships between our board members and donors. What a blessing it will be to look back on these coming years and to see all of the ways the Lord uses our efforts."
Regional V-P Nathan Bliss said, “I’ve had the great pleasure of working closely with Dave since he joined staff in 2011. He is a tremendous teammate and friend. Dave is systematic in his approach and has an incredible work ethic, but it is his willingness to serve others with open hands that is most impressive. FCA flourishes where our staff are able to build deep relationships within their communities. Our vision for building relationships with board members and donors goes far beyond dollars and cents. We have an opportunity to help these men and women fulfill their calling and see lives transformed by Jesus in the process. Clearly, Upstate NY has greatly benefited from Dave’s heart to do just that and I believe that God will continue to work mightily through Dave as he serves the Northeast staff.”
Divisional V-P Rick Isaiah had this to say. “Dave Parks is a coach at his core and I am excited that he will be serving the Northeast Region staff as the Donor Board Advancement Coordinator. I believe God will utilize his coaching skills to equip our staff to advance our Donor and Board Advancement strategies, to minister to our donors more effectively and to strategically leverage their boards for greater impact.”
Parks is an active member of Browncroft Community Church, where he has served in family and connection team ministries. He enjoys meeting people when they first discover that God has a bigger plan for their lives, and being used by the Lord to ask questions and listen, and be an encouragement for those people to go deeper and find out what He might have for them.
Please feel free to connect with David about his new role: dparks@fca.org
If you’d like to financially support his ministry efforts, you can do so here: