RPI Campus Director
Scott Rock has been involved in sports ministry since 2000 when he accepted a skill development coaching role with Hockey Ministries International. In 2010, after learning about FCA while pursuing his Masters of Ministry degree through Southwestern Christian University (Okla.), he accepted an invitation to coach at an FCA Hockey camp in Hagerstown, Md., and began reaching out to athletes and coaches through the ministry. Already involved in campus ministry at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Rock helped the school’s student-athletes establish their first FCA Huddle and would go on to help the AHL’s Albany Devils do the same.
As a high school athlete in Long Island, Rock helped establish his school’s ice hockey team. He served as captain his senior year and led the league in scoring before enrolling at SUNY at Oswego where he earned a marketing degree in 1986. In 1989 he became the director of marketing for the AHL’s Capital District Islanders, and in 1990 he began teaching power skating and puck control skills through Winning Edge in Brunswick, N.Y.
For more than 20 years he pursued both the coaching and marketing career paths with coaching being his passion. Since starting Winning Edge, Rock has coached at the college, high school and youth levels, holding both assistant and head coaching positions. On the marketing side, he also has served in manager and director positions with the AHL’s Capital District Islanders, Albany River Rats and Albany Devils. Rock also has used his skills to make a positive difference in the Albany area by planning hockey events and fundraisers for the community.
Ministry has been part of Rock’s lifestyle since he first surrendered his life to Christ at the age of 32. Along with his work with HMI and FCA, he also has taught Bible classes, served as youth leader, volunteered at his church and served with Youth for Christ in the Capital area. He currently helps lead a men’s FCA Huddle at Grace Fellowship Church in Latham, N.Y. In joining FCA Staff, Scott’s focus will now be to help start Campus and Coaches ministry in all sports throughout the Capital Region.
Rock and his wife, Yahna, have three children—Heath, Blake and Cassie—and reside in Brunswick, N.Y. They enjoy time with family and friends as well as bowling, ping pong and golf.
He cites the J.B. Phillips paraphrase of Romans 12:1-2 as his life verse: “With eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I beg you, my brothers and sisters, as an act of intelligent worship, to give Him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to Him and acceptable by Him. Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God remold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all His demands and moves toward the goal of true maturity.”