What an amazing year it’s been! FCA is wrapping up a year in which our ministry theme has been Every. In keeping with FCA’s mission of seeing every coach and athlete enter into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church, we’ve witnessed God powerfully use Every to keep us focused on putting Jesus first as we pursued discipleship relationships with coaches and athletes. Here in the Northeast, God further inspired us to reach every through the theme of our annual Staff Retreat “What if…?”

Staff asked questions like, “What if…Jesus could transform our school?” “What if…God raised up new staff to begin building ministry in untouched areas?” “What if…God brought more board members to walk alongside the staff in fulfilling our ministry plans?” “What if…we budgeted according to what the ministry could be and should be?” “What if…the Holy Spirit led more people to invest in this region than ever before?” “What if…every team on my campus had at least one athlete willing to share the gospel with his or her teammates?” “What if…the name of Jesus was being exalted in every community in the Northeast through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes?” By God’s grace, we are seeing God begin to answer those “What ifs…”

By His grace, we believe that our region is on the cusp of an incredible breakthrough. Will you pray about how you can be part of that breakthrough? While you may never know the full weight of your impact this side of Heaven, my prayer is that God gives you a glimpse of how your generosity is part of His answer to someone else’s ‘What if…?’.

Barbara was told by a mutual friend that she needed to connect with Frank Reynoso in NYC FCA. “We started talking about the power of prayer, how we need to encourage the body to pray for one another.” - Frank Reynoso. Barbara joined our prayer team shortly after connecting with Frank.  This has led her to serving at camps, training sessions, and ultimately joining staff. She has served around the Northeast Region in NYC, Upstate NY, Boston, Connecticut and Vermont.

Barbara Du Brul - FCA Staff

Coach Garrett Lewellen approached me about three years ago with the desire to start a volleyball club where he would be free to share his faith. Because of the vision and passion of Garrett Lewellen the FCA Volleyball Ministry in Maine is impacting hundreds of people, including many of our players who are from non-believing homes. Currently, FCA Volleyball in Maine has four teams in competition, eight coaches, and is becoming a recognized volleyball name in the area. Garrett has shared with me before how this club has brought so much purpose into his life. It has allowed him to use the passion and skill he has for volleyball to the glory of God.

Aaron Mann - FCA Staff

“FCA has impacted my life in a positive way and helps me to live my life with a purpose. Giving my life to Jesus Christ has changed everything.”

Jeremiah Febus - FCA Athlete

FCA has had an impact on me in helping me grow in my relationship with Christ. I feel like I have developed and matured into a man and received biblical teachings that I need to be successful in all realms of my life. FCA has also given me an awesome opportunity to put my faith into action, with things like leading camps, huddles, and giving me the opportunity to share my faith with kids who don’t know or understand the Gospel.

Landon Schreib - FCA Intern

Coach Kurt is currently leading a huddle in Brooklyn and is a regular attendee at our weekly prayer and communal reading of scripture meetings. The impact of these meetings have influenced Coach to be comfortable to pray out loud, something he was unable to do a little over a year ago. 

“FCA has impacted me in such a way and has changed how I coach and referee.” - Coach Kurt

Coach Kurt - FCA Coach

"FCA has helped me know that I’m not alone. There are other Christians at the school campus that I can relate to. It has helped me to stay rooted and not drift world-wise. FCA has helped me grow in Christ by helping me to apply the Bible to my life. It makes it easy to see that anything, even sports, is something that can teach you more about God."

Amelia - FCA Athlete

FCA has had a huge impact on my life. It has given me the platform to inspire others by telling my testimony. When I first became a Christian this is something that I prayed for. I wanted to share my testimony with other individuals to show the grace of our God and to show them where an unfulfilled life led me. FCA has also helped me grow in my faith through the internship they offer and through the FCA events held on my campus.

Ryan Karker - FCA Intern

I hold a coaches' huddle for five coaches at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) every Thursday morning on campus. A few weeks ago, the coaches told me that the school was on a weeklong break and their athletes would be staying on campus. I took the opportunity to propose that we bring a speaker in. They didn't hesitate to say, "yes". So, I coordinated with USAYO to bring Chuck Hatchett to WPI the following week. When Chuck and I entered the auditorium, it was full. That alone was a miracle. Chuck gave a talk, a testimony, a solid gospel presentation, and ended with an invitation to pray for Jesus to save them. Sixty three athletes stood up to pray! The coaches were amazed, excited and so encouraged. After the event, I got into my car and immediately had visions of what FCA looked like on our campuses prior to COVID. Then, in light of what just happened in that auditorium, I pumped my fist in the air and yelled, "WE'RE BACK!"

I don't think any of the coaches thought we wouldn't get back to normal one day, but this event breathed new life into all of us. Jesus and the gospel are still welcome on our school campuses.

Joshua 1:9.

Dan Barnes - FCA Staff

 I connected with FCA because one of the college members reached out to me about finding a group of people that I could share my faith with. I was also looking for a way to talk about the gospel, seeing how there isn’t a big presence of Christians on campus. I was immediately drawn to the program. FCA has helped me grow in Christ by finding people who I can openly talk about the gospel with and share my thoughts rather than just sitting by myself. 

Simon Davis Jr. - FCA Athlete

The impact that FCA has had and will continue to have on me is something unmatched. Having the opportunity to share my faith and help others alongside their walk with faith is such a privilege. The cherry on top is it's all through the sport that I love, and the amazing athletics community that surrounds it. An experience like FCA has truly helped build me into an athlete centered around Christ, and has taught me how to become a catalyst for his love.

Ethan Ritchie - FCA Athlete

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We appreciate your partnership with FCA in the Northeast Region. You are helping to change the lives of athletes and coaches throughout the area.


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